Yikes! What a mess!
For the past couple of days, I have been thinking about how I can get more organized with my coupons. I had to think about what I wanted and what I didn't want.
I knew I wanted something different, but not quite sure what kind of different...
I have been mainly using the clip-less method, as my 1st method of coupon organization, and it was working out pretty nice for me, but my folders were just falling apart :(
What IS the clip-less method, you ask?
Well, it's keeping your Sunday coupon inserts intact and not clipping/cutting the coupons out of the inserts until you are going to use them.
How in the world would I know which coupons are where, if I don't clip them right away?
I use the website Coupontom.com. I just type in the product and this handy-dandy website tells me exactly where I can find the coupon!
The 2nd part of my coupon organization was my accordian file. It has a "shorter" file area with the full-size file area. The shorter file area took care of my clipped coupons, either from internet printables, catalinas or coupons I received in the mail or peelie coupons from products. The full-size area kept my Target printable coupons and internet coupons that I didn't clip yet and store coupon policies.
I actually REALLY love this file system, so it will be a LITTLE difficult to give it up!
Here is a pic of mine...all that hard work of making my own little sub-categories....ughhhh...LOL
It worked for me and was pretty easy to use...BUT it didn't have enough room for ALL of my inserts, SO my inserts would stay home when I would go out shopping. (which is NOT a good thing...especially when you come up on some awesome clearance deals and you remember...hey...I have a coupon for that!! BUT it's at home in my 12/12 SS insert...ughhhh...)
Now, back to what I want and don't want in coupon organization...
I don't want to carry my coupons around in a little bin or recipe box.
I don't want a big, bulky bag or HUGE binder that I would have to fling around.
I want to be able to keep ALL of my coupons with me when I shop.
I want just ONE thing that I would need to carry around with me.
I want to reduce the clutter of coupons around my dining room! LOL
Finally, today, I began my re-organization.
First, I went through ALL of my inserts, looked at all of the ones dated 11/21 or earlier to make sure there were no coupons that were still "good", then chucked them. They all have a new home in my binder.
When I first started out, I used the binder method of coupon organization and I would clip EVERY SINGLE coupon and put them in the baseball card sleeves. It just got to be too much for me...so I went to the clip-less method. Then I moved on to the 1/2 clip-less and 1/2 file method. Yes. I think I just made that up! LOL
NOW, I am going to be EXCLUSIVELY using the binder method. My coupons will ALWAYS be with me. This way, I can keep ALL of my coupons in ONE area. Yea, I know. I am no way the first person to do this...lol...but it's a first for me :)
I really hope it works, because I don't want to organize again...
I just have to say, use whatever works for you.
I go grocery shopping and I see a bunch of ladies with their coupons in portable bins and it just looks so crazy...but hey, if it works for them, it's all good!
That's another thing you will want to think of.
Is your coupon organization method handy enough to keep with you in the store?...handy enough to hang out/sit in the front part of the shopping cart, so it's easily accessible?
How do you organize all of your coupons?
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