And hey...those sunny summer months are RIGHT around the corner!
The prices vary on each item that is included in the promo and you can choose from select Hawaiian Tropic and/or Banana Boat items.
But what makes the promo even HOTTER is that the $1.79 Banana Boat Lip Balm is one of the items that are included in the $5 Gift Card promo!
There are terms and conditions that come with the promo that state that your promo purchases must at least equal the amount of the gift card, so buying 2 lip balms @ $1.79 each will not prompt the registers for a Gift Card.
You will need to purchase a more expensive item, like the $4.99 Hawaiian Tropic Cool Aloe Gel 12 oz. and then the Banana Boat Lip Balm for $1.79.
THAT purchase will get you the $5 Gift Card :)
If you need Sunscreen, the prices start at $5.84.
If you buy a sunscreen and then the lip balm for a total of $7.63, you will get the $5 Gift Card back.
PLUS use the $1/1 Banana Boat Sun Care, exp. 6-25-11 (SS 05/22/11)
use the $1/1 Hawaiian Tropic Sun Care Product, exp. 6-25-11 (SS 05/22/11)
When you factor in the $5 GC, you are only paying $1.63 for BOTH items!
These are AWESOME stock up prices!
{Thanks TotallyTarget!}
THANK YOU! I was just going to grab 2 sun screen. I will take a closer look when I go this week.