I will only be listing items in the Weekly Sales ad that have coupon match-ups from the Green Bay area Festival Foods stores... (OR if there are certain items on sale that don't have coupons, but are still a bargain)
If you are NOT in the Green Bay, WI area, YMMV on these prices/sales items.
When using Festival Foods in-ad coupons, you are required to have a $5.00 or more non-in-ad-coupon purchase.
Festival Food's in-store coupons are found at the Service Desk.
Festival Food's GREENSHEETS are available when you walk in the store or at the Service Desk.
When you are wanting to take advantage of a coupon on the Greensheet, there is no need to tear the coupons out, just hand over the sheet to your cashier and they will take off the appropriate coupons!
Be sure to check out THE FULL AD at the Festival Foods website AND take advantage of these deals before they disappear!! :)
Dole Celery $0.49 w/in-ad coupon limit 1
Kitchen Kleen Russet Potatoes 5 lb. bag $1.48
*no coupon needed
Festival's Own Potato Salad $1.48 lb. w/in-ad coupon limit 2 lbs.
Pepsi Products 12 pack, 12 oz. cans assorted 3/$10.98 w/GREENSHEET coupon
*customer must purchase 3 to get sale price
Coca-Cola 12 pack 12 oz. cans, 6 pack, 24 oz. bottles or 8 pack, 12 oz. bottles assorted or Dasani water 3/$8.88
*customer must purchase 3 to get sale price
$1/2 Diet/Caffeine Free Diet Coke Multipack (Diet Coke Heart Health)
$1/2 Dasani Bottled Water, exp. 5-31-11 (Diet Coke Heart Health)
= $2.63 each wyb 3 after coupon
Gatorade 8 pack, 20 oz. bottles assorted $3.99 w/in-ad coupon limit 2
Lipton Iced Tea 12 pack, .5 ltr. bottles 2/$8.88 w/in-ad coupon limit 2
$2/2 Lipton Multipack, exp. 5-21-11 (Pepsico Moments)
$2/2 Lipton Multipack printable
= $3.44 each wyb 2 after coupons
Frito Lay Tostitos 9-13 oz. select varieties $1.98 w/in-ad coupon limit 3
$1/1 Tostitos Tortilla Chips or Dip, exp. 5-21-11 (Pepsico Moments)
= $0.98 after coupons
Post Kids Cereals cocoa or fruity pebbles, honeycombs, golden crisp, alpha bits $1.79 w/in-ad coupon limit 4
Hellman's Real Mayonnaise 30 oz. regular only $2.99 w/GREENSHEET coupon
- $0.75/1 Hellman's Product, exp. 5-15-11 (RP 04/17/11 #2)
= $2.24 after coupons
Shore Lunch Original Fish Breading 9 oz. $1.49 w/GREENSHEET coupon
Kemps Gallon Milk skim, 1%, 2% white only $1.68 w/in-ad coupon limit 1
Flavorite Shredded Cheese 8 oz. package $0.99 w/in-ad coupon limit 3
Kozy Shack Pudding 4 ct/4 oz pkg., 6 ct/4 oz pkg or 22 oz. carton $2.69
$0.75/1 Kozy Shack CowRageous Pudding, exp. 8-31-11 (SS 3/27/11 #1)
$0.40/1 Kozy Shack Pudding, exp. 6-20-11 (RP 03/06/11)
$1/2 Kozy Shack Product, exp. 5-31-11 (SS 01/23/11)
= as low as $1.94 after coupon
Johnsonville Smoked Sausage 13.5-16 oz. assorted $2.49 w/in-ad coupon
- $0.55/1 Select Johnsonsville Sausages, exp. 6-30 (SS 05/01/11)
= $1.94 after coupons
Ball Park Franks 12.8 oz singles, 14 oz lite or bun sz. or 16 oz original $1.98
- $1/1 Ball Park Franks Product printable
= $0.98 after coupon
Hickory Country Bacon 1 lb. $1.99 w/Green Bay Press Gazette/Festival Foods Online Coupon
Palermo's Classics Pizza 16.3-18.7 oz. $1.88 w/in-ad coupon limit 10
- $1/1 Palermo's Pizza printable
= $1.38 each wyb 2 after coupon
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Classic Favorite Entrees 4.4-11.5 oz. assorted 6/$10.00
- $4/10 Weight Watcher's Smart Ones printable
= $1.27 each wyb 10 after coupon
Stone Ridge Ice Cream 48 oz. assorted $1.98 w/in-ad coupon limit 1
Blue Bunny Ice Cream Pails 4.5 qt. assorted $4.98 w/GREENSHEET coupon
Kemp's Itti Bitz 5-6 oz. assorted $1.00
Buy 4 and Use
$1/4 Kemps Itti Bitz Ice Cream, exp. 6-25-11 (SS 05/08/11)
= $0.75 each wyb 4 after coupon
Totino's Party Pizza 9.8-10.9 oz. $1.50
- $0.50/2 Totino's Product printable
= $1.25 each wyb 2 after coupon
Campione Garlic Texas Toast 11.25 oz. $1.49 w/GREENSHEET coupon
Wanchai Ferry Dinner 24 oz. package $6.99
- $1.50/1 Wanchai Ferry Frozen Entree printable
= $5.49 after coupon
El Monterey Taquitos, Quesadillas, Chimis or Tamales 21-24 oz. assorted $4.68
$1/1 Select El Monterey Products, exp. 5-30-11 (RP 03/06/11)
$1/1 El Monterey Mexican Snack, exp. 5-30-11 (SS 03/06/11)
= $3.68 after coupon
Cottonelle 12 dbl. roll package soft & strong only $5.49 limit 2
- $0.50/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper printable
= $4.99 after coupon
Scotties Facial Tissue 132 ct. $0.99 w/GREENSHEET coupon
$1/3 Scotties Facial Tissues, exp. 5-14-11 (RP 04/17/11 #2)
= $0.66 each wyb 3 after coupon
Arm & Hammer 2x Laundry Detergent 50 oz. bottle original clean burst or free or perfumes/dyes $1.98 w/in-ad coupon limit 1
Glad Tall Kitchen or Trash Bags 12-60 ct. $4.38
$0.75/1 Glad Trash Bag Product, exp. 6-12 (P&G 05/01/11)
$1/1 Glad Force Flex Trash Bags printable *if included in sale
= as low as $3.38 after coupon

El Monterey Taquitos, Quesadillas, Chimis or Tamales 21-24 oz. assorted $4.68 is that normal price or sale price. I never saw that in the flier. :-)